10 Chicas presumen el antes y después de sus dormitorios escolares

transformacion dormitorios escolares

No te pierdas la fascinante transformación de estos dormitorios, ¡te encantarán!

Terminar la preparatoria y prepararte para comenzar la universidad es una de las etapas más increíbles de la adolescencia: nueva escuela, nuevos amigos y nuevas aventuras que marcarán tu vida para siempre. Algunas universidades incluso te ofrecen la oportunidad de vivir en su campus, pues cuentan con múltiples dormitorios para los estudiantes que vienen de fuera. Aunque suena súper cool, debes saber que estas pequeñas habitaciones carecen de decoración, ¡así que de esa parte tendrás que encargarte tú! Te puede interesar: TikTok: Usuarios muestran sus lujosas y fabulosas recámaras

Chicas presumen el antes y después de sus recámaras

A través de Instagram, algunas chicas compartieron la fascinante transformación de sus dormitorios escolares. Cada una de ellas quiso reflejar su personalidad en la decoración de su habitación, y aunque son muy pequeñas, lograron sacarles el máximo provecho y las convirtieron en un espacio mágico. Te puede interesar: Tips esenciales para ordenar tu recámara Estas estudiantes son la clara prueba de que no necesitas una recámara súper grande para hacer maravillas, pues todo es cosas de creatividad. Aquí te dejamos el antes y el después de sus increíbles dormitorios de la universidad.

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Happy Tuesday! Drab ?? dorm room to ??‍♀️ Fab dorm room!!! Take a look at this super fun dorm space we transformed to help our client kick off an awesome freshman year!! Swipe left to see BEFORE! #transformationtuesday #eaglepride #tsrgloups

Una publicación compartida por The Vogue Room, LLC (@thevogueroom) el

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Just did my second dorm room makeover for my daughter @skylarbantz last years our dorm room went viral and that was a lot of fun! Swipe ?? to see all the pictures and at the end you will see the BEFORE PHOTOS and video of the room. All the furniture is from Wayfair #dormroom #dorm #dormlife #Sorority #houstonmua #makeupbysheila #wayfair @sororityscoop @wayfair bedspread @wayfair flower stickers @wayfair #txstmovein #texasstateuniversity #txst #txsu #txstate #txst22 #txst21 #txstdz #dormroomdecor #dormify #dormrooms #deltazeta #dz #texasstate #sanmarcos #sorority #sororitylife #sororityrecruitment #sororitysisters @txstatedz @txst @txstatehousing

Una publicación compartida por Houston Makeup Artist (@makeupbysheila) el

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Decorating a dorm room can be a major challenge, but we did not let all the rules of what we could not do stop us! When we designed these space for @brooklynandbailey we still wanted to added personality and pops of color even though we could not paint, could not use nails and we had to use all of the furniture that was in dorm. We had to think out of box and we are excited to finally show you how it turned out!! And we are totally obsessed with the girls new bedding collection that they did with @beddysbeds ! #classycluttergoestocollegewellkindof #classyclutterclients

Una publicación compartida por Savannah | Classy Clutter (@classyclutter) el

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All the blues and tie-dye feels! ? ----- ? Credit: @shrukenheadstore . . . . . #dormgoals #oncampus #livingoncampus #university #collegeroomies #dormsweetdorm #dormroomdecor #dormroom #dormlife #dormdecor #dorm #lovethislook #roomessentials #collegedecor #collegedorm #dorminspo #roominspo #roomideas #roomdecoration #mybedroom #tumblrroom #dormroomideas #boholifestyle #bohemiandecor #bohemianvibes #bohoroom #bohovibes #welcometomycrib #mycrib #bluerooms

Una publicación compartida por Dorms + Humor + Scholarships (@collegelifemadeasy) el

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My new home ? #dormroomdecor #dormroomideas #dormroom #explorepage

Una publicación compartida por Kaela Kae ? (@mikaelamoniquee) el

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A little home away from home.... Sending @gracecporter off to Alabama is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do as a parent. To ensure a smooth transition, I designed this coastal boho dorm room to give Grace a welcoming sense of peace to start the next chapter of her life. In response to so many questions, I wrote a short blog post on how I created this look and how you can use my five simple steps to design any small space. I also included my DIY , no electricity needed, chandelier and the secret note I left for her as I pulled away from her dorm. You can find all of that on www.jennyreimold.com, I’ve created a dorm highlight and I’ve linked all sources on my LikeitKnow.it. http://liketk.it/2Ua7A #liketkit @liketoknow.it #LTKhome #dormroom #dormstyle #dormdecor #dorm #dormroomdecor #dormsweetdorm #dormlife #bohobedroom #bohostyle #bohohomedecor #collegedorm #collegelife #dormdecorations @potterybarndorm

Una publicación compartida por Jenny Reimold (@jennyreimold) el

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Motherhood is such a paradox of holding on yet letting go . I don’t know if anyone can prepare you for any season of parenthood until you walk ( or limp) through it . Driving away today it felt like my heart might burst, I have spent the last 2 hours in the car sobbing . I was numb until the man in the cafeteria today at dinner asked me where we were from, “Kansas City!” I replied . As soon as I told him that it was a 2.5 hour drive, it hit me like a tidal wave. I stood there in my daughters college cafeteria sobbing into my salad . The sweet man making my salad told me he would take care of her and that I might need some pizza with my salad ?( so at least I know she is surround by smart people ). I am questioning everything . I pray I I have taught her all she needs to know . Will she be ok? Will I be able to ever not have this pain in my heart ? I wonder how I will live without her smile everyday in our home, the 4x a night she walks in to tell me goodnight and she loves me, I will miss hearing the garage door going up when I am laying bed knowing she is home safe, I will miss her zest for life and the joy she is to be around , and the way she can make laugh and making even a simple errand fun . As I pulled her off me I smelled her hair one more time before we left I whispered in her ear ,”This is such a gift ... it wouldn’t hurt so bad if we didn’t love each other so much .” As hard as this is . As much as I want to turn the car around , I am also so grateful . Thankful for such a beautiful daughter that God trusted me to raise and that she calls me mom . Grateful for our love that distance can’t break . Fly baby girl and I hope you will always find home in my arms . Remember who you are and that we love you more than you will ever know !#prayformymommaheart#whenwillitnothurtsomuch #dontblink #rimeflys #kansaswesleyanuniversity #kdubvolleyball #dormroom #dormroomdecor #dormlife#bohemianstyle #bohemiamdorm #momlife #colllegestudent

Una publicación compartida por Shauna Utz (@shaunautz) el

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✨Thank You Pinterest✨ We are now receiving packages daily for the next month to make sure the dorm room is theme-ready for her and her friend/roomie.... ✨I’m exhausted and overwhelmed✨

Una publicación compartida por Hope (@officialhopehill) el

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The comfiest dorm room ever award goes to THIS!? I just want to snuggle up and watch The Office all day! ?: @dormify #dormroomdecor #dormroom #college #collegegirls #adricollegelife #collegeblogger #icedcoffee #classof2024 #dorminspo

Una publicación compartida por Adri | College Blogger (@adricollegelife) el

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Dorm of my DREAMS! Just look at this space featuring Tessyla wall art and a glam black/white/gold color story. Best of luck this year at school, girls! ? @sincerelynasjia_ @badgalmere Interior stylist: @tmichelleinteriors #tessyla #etsy #etsyshop #etsyart #etsydecor #etsyfinds #etsyfind #myetsyfind #etsysuccess #customerphoto #clientphoto #customerpic #clientpic #dorm #dormroom #dormdecor #dormroomdecor #dormsweetdorm #dormlife #dormitorio #dormgoals #college #collegedorm #blackandgold #glam #thanksforsharing #shopsmall #supporthandmade

Una publicación compartida por Tessyla (@tessyla1) el

¿Te animas a hacerle una transformación a tu dormitorio? Síguenos en Instagram: @revistatumexico

La influencer se convirtió en la protagonista de la campaña de primavera 2025 de American Eagle.
¿Pensando en hacerte un bob? Este es el corte que va mejor con la forma de tu rostro.
Haz el test y encuentra el labial del color que más te gusta.
El maquillaje babydoll será una tendencia muy fuerte este 2025, de acuerdo con Pinterest.